The today's relation of Europeans to the American way of life basically the negative. In mass consciousness of Europeans there was an opinion, that all American cars in our territory is absolute are necessary to nobody.
To the full it concerns the enormous farmer pickups more similar to lorries. Predilection of Americans for huge cars does not cause sympathy and in the European consumer. Besides — close megacities are not intended for large motor transport, yes besides — economy of fuel.
Legendary American off-road car
Then at what here ideology of inhabitants of the USA? Perhaps, it is not necessary to dump all in one heap, and to get accustomed if not to a way of life of the Yankee, then to these subjugators of highways — to cars-monsters. Probably, more the close acquaintance with the greatest pickup Chevrolet Silverado, will help to slightly open a secret veil...So it for "animal" such — Chevrolet Silverado? In our case — not simply all-wheel drive pickup, but also the longest variant. This updating carries name Crew Cab, moreover with prefix Long Box.
Getting to salon Silverado, you understand, as so specialised cars can be comfortable - internal furniture at level of representation cars. Leather five-seater salon, forward armchairs with heating, the electric drive of forward seats, and driver's — even on 10 directions with memory. External mirrors with the electric drive the foldings which are warmed up, with the repeaters of turns built in in them, the climate control. An audiosystem «Bose» with CD-changer in the panel of devices. What is necessary?
Chevrolet Silverado it is equipped by the newest V-shaped 8-cylinder 6-l engine Vortec power of 300HP, aggregated with 4-step automatic transmission Hydra-Matic Heavy Duty.
The main distinctive line of the car — a good steering and rigid enough shock-absorbers, that certainly gives to the manoeuvrability car. If you doubt reliability of brake system, you can always carry out additional brake job in dealer car centres.
«General Motors», neither «Ford», nor «Dodge» officially do not deliver and are not going to deliver yet the well-known pickups on the European car market... For this reason such cars remain with us real autoexotic and have no market prospects. In the majority, the given circumstance is caused by absence of specialised repair trucks, in America with it is much easier, there it is a lot of them, but the real leader №1 — Dallas auto repair.