Christmas fairy taleChristmas — a family holiday. This day children living separately from the parents, come to them if they do not have family. At all schools and colleges a Christmas vacation is provided.
Before Christmas in houses joyful atmosphere of expectation sets in. Certainly, children most worry. They would not like to know, when it will be possible to get from beautiful Christmas Sock, and it is even better from a huge stocking, gifts kind Santa Claus: sweets, nuts, fruit and any toy!
Christmas in America
Santa Claus which prototype is sacred Nicolas, almost has not changed at all for several centuries — all as it is always ready to deliver pleasure to kids! Young Englishmen and Americans consider, that Santa comes in sledge on a deer only to obedient children and, having gone down through a pipe over a fireplace, leaves to kiddies gifts under a fur-tree and in a sock. Therefore on roofs of some houses in the USA it is possible to see figures Santa Claus in sledge and the well-known deer by name of Rudolf.
All holiday turmoil ceases in the evening on 24th of December (Christmas Eve). Believing people prepare for solemn Christmas Service which begins at midnight. Others simply gather to congratulate each other and to drink on a glass of wine in honour of Christmas Cracker a holiday. Already at 11 o'clock in the evening you will not find any open shop. All fades in expectation of Christmas...
Morning is noisy on December, 25th begins with opening of gifts. Then time traditional Christmas dinner comes. In England there is a cheerful custom: before sitting down to table people clap an original cracker “Christmas Cracker”. In a cracker the small souvenir and the comic message contains. For a table usually prepare a turkey or a goose, on a garnish there are every possible vegetables. Americans very much like a sweet potato which to taste something reminds carrots.
To the Great Britain in the end of dinner Christmas Cookies submit Christmas pie or Christmas pudding. Americans prefer Christmas cookies. This day each mistress tries as it is possible to show is better the culinary abilities, that is why, according to poet Jack Drelutski, “the Christmas is time for an overeating”.
This day almost in each house wonderful Christmas music sounds. By the way, many traditional English melodies — “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” use huge popularity all over the world.
On December, 26th meets Americans and Englishmen differently. In the Great Britain it too a holiday — “Boxing Day”. On TV all day long there are sports programs, therefore Englishmen like to spend this day in an armchair behind the TV. Americans on the contrary go on December, 26th on shops because almost all can be got several times more cheaply. If problems with the finance, but you do not wish to borrow from acquaintances you can always take advantage of service emergency loans.
Exactly in twelve days after Christmas, on sixth of January, start to remove ornaments. All gradually comes to the normal rhythm. It is a little to leave Christmas sadly. But all know, that in eleven months the holiday again will cheerfully be knocked at a door!