The Simulator Trends
The car simulator — a genre of computer games in which the user have chance to manage a car in the Virtual World. Also the auto-simulators can be applied for a professional racers training.
Besides it, the car games is one of the most popular genres of the video games and the race simulator have a nice story. The first racing game is named as the Gran Trak 10. The game has been released in 1974 (made by Atari Company).
The Games Tech
The car races developed more likely in quantitative, than in the qualitative plan. It has been connected basically with hardware restrictions of a video processor. Because of them the machine on the screen was almost uncontrollable, and about occurrence of any serious simulators with more or less quality graphics then it was possible only in the dreams.
In those days the car simulators was very popular. The success secret of the car simulators: they could display the polygonal graphics (such capacities were inaccessible for the PC-computers). However, a many old games were really good. Today you can real-time playing in the online car games by means of special emulators.
Welcome to World Car!
All changed, when into the sale was released a first hardware accelerator of a three-dimensional drawing from 3DFX company. The game developers create at once many games masterpieces — Need for Speed, Colin McRae Rally, Street Racing Syndicate, GrandPrix2, Crash Day, Gran Turismo, Street Legal Racing Redline, Destruction Derby, IndуCar2, Test Drive etc.