Concern General Motors management has returned to idea of a batch production hybrid coupe Cadillac Converj. However, as informs, exact terms of statement of this model on the conveyor still are not called.
Hybrid coupe Cadillac Converj
In the beginning of 2009 representatives GM have declared, that Cadillac Converj will appear on sale in two years. However then plans on serial release of this model have been frozen because of crisis and the begun procedure of bankruptcy of concern.
Now, after GM has received 50 billion dollars on manufacture development, a hybrid compartment again have placed in a concern production plan.
As experts consider, the decision on start in series Cadillac Converj is proved — in their opinion, on hybrid "Cadillac" it is possible to earn much more, than on hybrid "Chevrolet". Besides, this model will help Cadillac to meet new requirements on fuel profitability which will come into force in the USA in some years.
Prototype Cadillac Converj
Let's remind, that the debut of prototype Cadillac Converj has taken place in the beginning of year on a motor show in Detroit. This car is constructed on front-wheel platform Chevrolet Volt and equipped by the 160-strong electromotor which li-ionic of batteries eats from the complete set. Only on electrodraught this car can pass 64 km, and for additional charge of accumulators in movement the 1,4-l petrol motor is used. The maximum speed of a novelty — 160 km/h.