Supercar Nissan GT-R will receive 2010 modelling years the modernised suspension bracket which tests it's carried out by experts of the Japanese company in a Nurnburgring, little changes in design and a number of innovations in an electronic stuffing. Also the car will have a luxury updating.
Changes in ex-terrier Nissan GT-R
By words project head GT-R, the "usual" car of next modelling year will receive a back bumper from "charged" version Spec-V and additional lateral air inlets which will improve cooling of back brake mechanisms. In front in a suspension bracket a supercar there will be more rigid springs and shock-absorbers. Besides, the engine will be recustomized for conformity to ecological standards "Euro-5" and for work improvement on small speeds at low temperatures.
Also owners Nissan GT-R will have an opportunity to download data of telemetry and work of all systems of the car on USB-flash that then to analyse this information.
New Nissan Spec-M
Next year on the market there is a new updating of supercar GT-R which will receive name Spec-M. It is expected, that new Nissan Spec-M will receive more comfortable options of the chassis, an exclusive audiosystem and more magnificent furnish of an interior.